Castle Quarter »
Exciting commercial opportunities, for new and established retailers and promoters, are available at Castle Quarter.
Promotional Space & RMUs
Castle Quarter has a number of areas with excellent visibility within the mall that are available for hire for promotional purposes, providing a great stage for both national and local businesses to promote their services and products.
With 8.5 million shoppers per year, Castle Quarter is an ideal venue for you to rent an RMU for direct sales, or a promotional space to sample or advertise your products, partake in experiential marketing and demonstrate new technologies to hundreds of thousands of shoppers each week.
For details of prices and availability, please contact Shoppertainment Management Ltd on 0161 817 5221 or email:
Poster Site Advertising
Poster advertising In partnership with Positive Media Marketing, we have A1 poster sites (2 foot x 3 foot frames) located in the main very busy entrance/exit areas that have lifts and toilets where thousands will view your message every day.
Our poster sites are both effective and affordable, because they are positioned in captive areas where people stand, wait and want something to read or look at.
For further information please call Simon Grant on 0800 915 4444 or email
Media Information
If you are a journalist planning a story regarding Castle Quarter or one of our tenants, in the first instance please contact our PR agency, Plain Speaking PR on 01603 487291.
Alternatively, email or
The Plain Speaking PR team will be happy to facilitate interviews, provide media comments or supply photographs.
Billboard Advertising
To advertise on the large, raised billboard (Airdressing) displays please contact Bay Media at: